Inside My Mind
A conversation guided by the books I have read.
"Inside my Mind: A collection of articles guided by the books I have read" is a new ebook that brings together a series of thought-provoking articles on innovation and design.
So what books and topics being discussed?
I have drawn inspiration from a diverse range of influential books, including "Change by Design" by Tim Brown, "A Whole New Mind" by Daniel Pink, "Blue Ocean Strategy" by W Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton M. Christensen, "Blockchain Revolution" by Dan and Alex Tapscott, "Dealing with Darwin" by Geoffrey A. Moore, "Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" by Klaus Schwab, "Job to be done" by Anthony W Ulwick, "Psycho-Cybernetics", "The Fifth Discipline" by Peter Senge, "The Four Lenses of Innovation" by Rowan Gibson, "Innovation to the Core" by Rowan Gibson, "The Value Proposition Design" by Strategyzer, "Reinventing Organisation" by Frederic Laloux, "Mindset" by Carol Dweck, "The Republic" by Plato and "A more beautiful Question" by Warren Burger.
I discuss topics around leadership, innovation, transformation, digital twin and even 2000-year-old texts such as Plato and his relevance to the 21st Century. So, join me on this conversation.
If you have seen these books but have not had a chance to read them, well, I hope what I present here will give you a taste and incentive to sit down maybe and read the complete book.
I hope you find this ebook insightful and engaging read that will challenge you to think differently about the world around them. These are my reflections on the ideas presented in these books. I provide a unique perspective on innovation, disruption, the 4th industrial revolution and more. I hope you find that this ebook becomes a valuable resource for anyone interested in these subjects. It's a journey through my mind and the key takeaways I gained from reading these books.
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